This Directorate is vested with the administration of Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and
Registration Act, 1908 along with the relevant provisions of other allied Acts,
such as U.L.C. Act, I.T. Act, T.P. Act etc. his This Directorate is also a major
revenue-earning Directorate of the State.
Department Structure
Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue, West Bengal
Public Services
- Registration of Deed of transfer conveyance / gift / partition etc.
- Registration of Hindu Marriage and solemnization of Special Marriage
Amendment of Stamp Act- rate of stamp duty- Computerization of the Registration
Offices by phases to facilitate and speed up registration process. Franking of
stamps in lieu of stamp papers for different financial institutions.
Introduction of SABR – Serialized Authenticated Bank Receipts to replace high
value stamp papers.
Month wise statistics on the collection of revenue in the form of stamp duty and
registration fees as well as the number of deeds registered is maintained.
Available Infrastructure
- I.G.R. & C. S. R. , West Bengal
- Addl. I. G. R. & Addl. C. S. R. , West Bengal
- Directorate (H. Q.) is consisting of eight officers and Sixty Six staff members.
- There are nine Ranges consisting one or more district areas. D.I.G.R. Range is
in-charge of the respective Range.
- Administrative in charge in a district is the District Registrar who has several
registration offices under his control. Registration Offices are headed by
D.S.R.s, A.D.S.R.s and S.R.s in other offices. Communication facilities with the
Directorate H.Q. and District H.Q. exists through telephone network.
Major Initiatives
Introduction to computerized system in the registration offices to facilitate
registration process. Franking of stamps in lieu of stamp papers, amendment of
Stamp Act, Registration Act, Stamp Rules and Registration Rules. Introduction of
SABR as a pilot scheme in Howrah district.
Incentive/Subsidy Schemes
40% remission of stamp duty and registration fees will be allowed on documents
presented up to 31.7.2006. This remission will be valid up to 30.9.2008
Taxes Applicable
This is a revenue earning Directorate which realizes revenue in the form of
stamp duty and registration fees primarily.
Licenses Applicable
This is a revenue earning Directorate which realizes revenue in the form of
stamp duty and registration fees primarily.
- Deed-writer License as per relevant rules
- Copy-writer Licence- as per relevant rules
Training Facilities
In-service annual training of Registration Officers is undertaken at A T I.
Relevant Acts
Indian Stamp Act, 1899, Regn. Act, 1908 along with relevant provisions of other
allied Acts such as U. L. C. Act, I.T.Act, T.P. Act etc. Acts relating to
Nodal Officer of the Directorate
Details of Nodal Officer of the Directorate
Shri Pabitra Kumar Mondal
Additional Inspector General of Registration
Office Address
Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue
Block-F (Top Floor), Writers’ Buildings
Kolkata - 700001
Telephone Number
2254-5062 / 2214-1762
Important Gazette Notification of the Directorate
- Exemption admissible for co-operative housing society etc.

- Remission of stamp duty etc.

- Remission of Registration Fees etc.

- Remission of stamp duty and registration fees for purchase of assets of close
tea gardens.

Profile of the Directorate
- Profile of Directorate of Registration & Stamp Revenue